

Iran protest resources


Why we protest: A forum with updates on rallies, missing persons, videos, and pictures of events.

Iranian: Website with protest pictures, the latest news, and updates from the ground. Has English and Farsi sections.

Iranian Woman: An Iranian woman blogs about life in today's Iran, in English and Farsi.

Feministing has an interesting article on the role of women in ongoing unrest in Iran.

I will post more links in the days to come.

Meanwhile, a CNN news update says that the planned opposition rally has been delayed in Iran after a government crackdown:

"The opposition had called for a ceremony to remember the victims of Iran's post-election protests, but Wednesday night, the Web site of defeated presidential candidate Mehdi Karrubi's party announced it would be delayed. The site did not offer an alternate date."

Commentators are now suggesting that the protesters have lost some momentum because of the government's harsh crackdown and intimidation techniques. And the delayed rally also hints towards that, but it is also true that daily nighttime protest, where people shout "god is great" on rooftops, is going on without fail.


Twitter gets political

Accessibility is definitely an area where Twitter has Facebook beat, and in the case of Iran its consequences are powerful. News agents are looking to Twitter and other social networking sites like YouTube to find their reports. And while these sources may not be confirmed, it’s nevertheless a constant stream of opinions and experiences.

Looking at Twitter and clicking on a discussion titled #iranelection – there have been 219 new comments added since I logged in (5 minutes ago). That is incredible. People are discussing protests, closures, incidences, reactions, experiences, and more. One tweeter writes encouragement for others to contribute and keep Iran at the top of Twitter’s discussion list. They’re using this medium to ensure that their struggles are not forgotten, and it seems to be working.

I just checked again, and there are now 440 more comments since I began this blog post.

I can only imagine how the Internet may have impacted past protests and revolutions had it been available, but that’s speculating on something we can never know.

However, today it seems quite clear that sites like Twitter and YouTube are having an impact within Iran and internationally. They’re inspiring hope, discussion, strategy, and motivation. If the rapid addition of tweets to this single feed is any indication, Iranians have managed to involve people from all over the world in their fight. While the resolution is still unsettled, it’s clear that the people of Iran are making themselves heard. And that’s pretty incredible stuff.

One last check – there’s now 1,717 comments added since I first went to the page. Wow.

P.S. See the blog Iran protest resources if you want to read more on Iran.


Do actions speak louder than Twitters?


Apparently a popular equation online amidst Iran's election has been "Tiananmen + Twitter = Tehran," which obviously places a heavy emphasis on the idea that twittering (or tweeting) has rounded up hundreds and thousands of people behind those protesting Iranians who feel robbed of their voices with the supposed re-election of Ahmadinejad.

It's true- everyday I receive at least 10 Twitter updates referring to online petitions I can sign, graphic icons I can create, and listservs I can join, all to show my support. Sometimes as I'm scrolling through them, I feel an indescribable sense of community, as if simply by reading I am declaring "Yes! I'm with you!" But to be honest, the sensation is fleeting.

Maybe it is the cynic in me, maybe it is the fact that I'm still not super Web-savvy like some of my peers (I only have 22 followers on Twitter after posting over 50 updates what am I doing wrong here?), but sometimes I can't help but still feel detached and skeptical about all of this hoopla on the Internet.

The first step to recognizing a problem is to be informed of it, of course, but what comes next? If all I do is read news updates every few hours and maybe link to them through Facebook, Twitter, or some other online social networking site, how much good does that do?  I may reach a fair amount of people, promoting awareness both to myself and others, but URLs don't necessarily perform the same functions as actually taking to the streets and rallying.

Or do they?

This past week, The Washington Post published an analysis of the above equation, posing a lot of my same concerns. Could it be that the Web has so changed the world, that much of our faith in activism can rely on blogging and reaching one another through the Internet? Is it safe to say that 1,000 online supporters will translate to 1,000 marching supporters?

Simple copy and pasting, RTing (retweeting), and forwarding somehow seems to me like it's taken the place of physical action and movement (you know, the kind you do with the whole of your body, not just your fingers) outside (as opposed to in a dark corner in your room or hunched over your iPhone). Also, I don't know how I feel about the quality of "news." With the constant need to be posting every 10 minutes (since "old news" seems to be anything three hours old), I've been reading some really random stuff. Interesting? Maybe. Newsworthy? Probably not. You can Twitter all day long and all you'll be left with is a public timeline with a million updates. 

It's easy to click a hyperlink, it's a little harder to leave our computer screens.

(An original and shorter version of this article was written for Asians in America Magazine, where I am the managing editor.)