Individual donations are our lifeblood, accounting for the vast majority of our funding every year. Every small amount helps. And every dollar donated to our not-for-profit magazine goes to the work we do—that is, publishing the magazine, paying our writers and artists, and spreading the word about In The Fray.

How You Can Help
We recommend that you donate to us through PayPal. We are a PayPal registered charity, meaning that more of your donation goes straight to us. Or, if you prefer, you may donate through our nonprofit organization’s page at (Neither method requires you to sign up on those sites.)
Another option is to mail us a check. Please make the check payable to In The Fray, Inc. Our mailing address is:
In The Fray, Inc.
1037A North Lombardy Street
Richmond, VA 23220-2203 shoppers: If you shop at, a platform that supports independent booksellers, please visit the site via our affiliate page and any purchases you make within forty-eight hours will have a portion of your payment donated to In The Fray. You can also buy digital gift cards whose proceeds go in part to In The Fray.
Amazon shoppers: Use this link to donate a portion of purchases to our magazine.
Please note that In The Fray, Inc., the organization that publishes In The Fray magazine, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (EIN/tax ID number: 61-164-9171), so all donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by US federal law.
We email occasional updates about the magazine to our donors. You can unsubscribe or change your subscription at any time by using the links in those email updates, or by contacting us with your request. We will never share or sell your information.
If you have any questions, please contact us. Thank you for supporting independent media. With your help, we can continue to provoke thoughtful discussion on the issues that too often divide us.
Matching Donations
If your employer has a program to match donations made to nonprofit organizations, our staff can help you with the paperwork and provide any information that is needed—just let us know. Many companies match donations, and this is an easy way to double the amount of your contribution.