Iran protest resources


Why we protest: A forum with updates on rallies, missing persons, videos, and pictures of events.

Iranian: Website with protest pictures, the latest news, and updates from the ground. Has English and Farsi sections.

Iranian Woman: An Iranian woman blogs about life in today's Iran, in English and Farsi.

Feministing has an interesting article on the role of women in ongoing unrest in Iran.

I will post more links in the days to come.

Meanwhile, a CNN news update says that the planned opposition rally has been delayed in Iran after a government crackdown:

"The opposition had called for a ceremony to remember the victims of Iran's post-election protests, but Wednesday night, the Web site of defeated presidential candidate Mehdi Karrubi's party announced it would be delayed. The site did not offer an alternate date."

Commentators are now suggesting that the protesters have lost some momentum because of the government's harsh crackdown and intimidation techniques. And the delayed rally also hints towards that, but it is also true that daily nighttime protest, where people shout "god is great" on rooftops, is going on without fail.