Charmingly stupid

“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful — and so are we … They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people — and neither do we,” President Bush announced to Pentagon officials during a recent signing ceremony for the $417 billion defense bill.  

While the assertion that the American government is hard at work trying to harm its citizens was a little surprising, perhaps we should be accustomed to President Bush’s blunders by now; the president has confidently claimed that “it’s the executive branch’s job to interpret law,” and he has also made the astute observation that “the illiteracy level of our children are appalling.”  

Jacob Weisberg, editor of Slate magazine, has delighted in collecting President Bush’s malapropisms and verbal blunders, and has written The Deluxe Election-Edition Bushisms: The First Term, in His Own Special Words, chronicling the president’s attempts to navigate the complex terrain of the English language. In his hilarious and vitriolic article about the president, Weisberg quotes Paul O’Neill, a former treasury secretary, as saying that “the President is like a blind man in a roomful of deaf people. There is no discernible connection.”

In Weisberg’s estimation, Bush’s inarticulacy — and many argue downright stupidity — is actually a selling point because it makes him a man of the people: “I think his inarticulacy is part of it, people identify with his problem. You know, it’s hard to speak in public — one makes mistakes, it can be embarrassing. And this bonds him to people.”

While Mr. Bush’s perpetual struggle with language has provided Americans hours of mean-spirited entertainment, let’s hope we’re not treated to another four years of such fun.

Mimi Hanaoka



MAILBAG: A response to “Tongue-tied”

In your recent article, “Tongue-tied,” your dismay over the use of free speech cages at the Democratic Convention is quite justified. However, I’d like to point out that these mechanisms to hide dissent from the cameras have been employed to excess throughout Bush-Cheney’s cross-country campaign efforts. A simple search for “free speech zones” at any search engine will turn up hundreds of incidents where peaceful dissent was not just corraled into far-removed protest pens, but was met with arrests for even questioning the use of such pens in our alleged free speech society.

Please do more research to discover how local law enforcement all across the country are arresting opposition voices and explaining their orders are coming from the Secret Service, who in turn deny any knowledge of such activity. Everyone, including the Secret Service, knows these activities are blatant violations of our rights to peaceful protest, but by passing the buck they manage to skirt all responsibility for it.

There is no need to repeal the First Amendment to control public dissent because the administration and Secret Service have perfected their methods to achieve the same results by claiming law enforcement authorities acted on their own, while law enforcement officials claim they were acting on orders from the Secret Service.

Please research this issue to discover how widespread this suppression of the people has become in a post-9/11 world.



Community building with methadone

Late July, a rumor spread on my neighborhood’s listserv that a methadone clinic was to replace our local Walgreens. Before the local Alderman could set the rumor straight, a debate ensued, in which the listerv regulars (I tend to just listen in) staked out the full spectrum of emotional and ideological responses to the supposed clinic opening. Though in the end a false alarm, I feel that having to go through the motions of the social responsibility vs. nimby/neighborhood safety debate was a useful exercise for my community. We know ourselves, our fears, and our hopes a little bit better as a result.    

Here’s the message that started the debate…      

Dear Neighbors,

I was told … that the Walgreens on Armitage, near Kedzie, is due to close the end of Sept. and a methodone (sp) center will replace it … We have been trying to ‘lift up’ our neighborhood for awhile and I feel that this is not a good addition.

Over the next two days, my inbox was flooded with responses from neighobors and strangers struggling to come to terms with the idea of a methadone clinic in the community.  

Is there any way we can stop the methodone clinic from coming in to our neighborhood? In 1997, a similar clinic was slated to go into … and my understanding was that the community ‘voted’ it out…

I’m not sure I understand all the concerns here, though I probably share some of them … Methadone is an important way of keeping heroin-addicted people from obtaining their drug in dangerous and sometimes violent ways. I think that most of us see this as preferable to crime … I’ll be sorry if the Walgreen’s on … closes, since I am frequently a customer there, as are many patients to whom I’ve prescribed…

The issue in my opinion, having lived in this community for 12 years, is in bringing in or keeping a potentially harmful element. With Methodone, many believe that is simply trading one addiction for another and the ‘fail’ rate is extraordinarily high. Those addicted to drugs tend to foster and perpetuate crime to support their lifestyles and habits. This isn’t passing judgment but rather identifying time-honored facts. I would much prefer to live in a community that did not invite drug addicts, sex offenders and others similarly situated into my community. Providing them help is a worthwhile community goal but one that perhaps can be better served by spreading out such services throughout the city. Thanks for your thoughts…

I can understand how a methadone clinic encourages drug addicts to be in our neighborhood. I can also see how a methadone clinic encourages the many drug addled people who live in our neighborhood to get clean and therefore not need to break into our homes,cars, or sell their bodies on our corners … I guess what I would like to know before I join onto a campaign of stopping some sort of health care system that I know nothing about is who is managing it? And what is this particular program’s success rate? Just from checking other websites, it seems some programs are more holistic and have much better results than others. Some actually even involve the community. I also understand the need to spread services like this out. But I would like to know if having on[e] in the area would encourage the numerous prostitutes who line up on … to get help? Or what is the proportion of people from outside of our neighborhood who will use this clinic as opposed to the people who live in the neighborhood who will. Personally I don’t know these things and am loathed to make assumptions on complicated social/community issues with out first checking into it … Personally I feel that alcohol abuse is a far more problematic in our community…

Dear Friends,

Here’s the actual fact, and I say this as someone who has owned a home in this neighborhood for 28 years, since 1976. We moved here from Evanston and I believe we were among the first ‘urban pioneers’ on our block. (‘Pioneer’ used with reservation since it has really repugnant overtones, of white Europeans moving westward and displacing Native Americans…) The actual fact is that there are already drug addicts living in the neighborhood, and some of them have been here a very long time. It’s not a question of keeping them out, but rather of addressing the question: how can we best address the needs of all our community residents? I am distressed at the NIMBY-fication of the discussion — not in my back yard — since historically this has been a very diverse neighborhood. We can’t build an island of tranquility in a sea of pain … Those of us who moved here from the suburbs for more of that ‘urban grit’ or because we couldn’t afford the rising cost of East Side neighborhoods need to learn to embrace those things that brought us here in the first place. This is a wonderful, diverse community and I surely want to keep it that way: new homeowners and old retired homeowners and apartment dwellers and junkies and gangbangers and artists and musicians and charismatics and just generally nice people who fall into none of the above categories. I’m not romanticizing the more negative elements: I just want us to deal with what’s here, with who we are, and make that our starting point…

I find it very confusing that many people are both against having ‘drug addicts’ in the neighborhood and also against methodone programs in the neighborhood. That strikes me as similar to saying you don’t want gangs in the neighborhood and also don’t want gang intervention, caps, or undercover police in the neighborhood. Methodone programs and needle exchange programs are proven ways to address the problems of drug addiction and related diseases. Not wanting them in the residential area where the people needing them live is somewhat unrealistic. Are the drug addicts going to take shuttle buses or the CTA out to some suburb for treatment? I understand peoples desire for a safe neighborhood. However, I would like to suggest that when you move into a neighborhood with these existing problems, even though the property values have risen so drastically in such a short period of time, they do not go away over night.  They have been here long before condos started selling for $200k. Addressing the needs of the whole community, those that have been here for many years as well as new members, is a much more positive way to change…

I’m not sure how I feel about this clinic going in. It seems like it might help a lot of people. What I’m concerned about it losing a Walgreen’s for it. Why can’t this clinic go in one of the many vacant buildings in the neighborhood? There are too few businesses on … — why lose another?

Finally in this conversation, a note of sanity. Thank you …

I respectfully disagree with you … While I disagree with some points in a few of the conversation in this overall dialogue, I have found all points not only sane, but highly conducive to communal understanding; to  building a stronger, more vibrant and enlightened community. As … relatively new home owner in Logan Square. I enjoy (thank you) learning more about my community through this important form and would be sorry if people felt that they could not participate for fear of ridicule…

And then the Alderman steps in…

This is a rumor.

Here’s a direct quote as of 7/26/04 from the Director of Real Estate from Walgreen’s:

“We are still planning to keep that store open when Kimball/Fullerton opens in October/November and see if it can continue to do enough business to be profitable. I would think it would remain until at least sometime next year while we evaluate. It will be our operations people that make the final call. Even if we did close it someday, don’t expect a methadone clinic to be our subtenant.”



Comforting warriors: the alchemy of Charles Johnson

My dear friend Mia’s death leads me back to the writing of Charles Johnson: author, philosopher, professor, and humanist.

Johnson offers solace in the form of a bonfire: his words inspire me to stay awake, aware, and involved, even when I have every reason to retreat to my bed and cover myself in blankets for an extended period of time. As if that weren’t enough, he gives the distinct impression that his process of writing is as calm and clear as his finished product.

I picked up his collection of essays, Turning the Wheel, and found connections between creativity, the quest for freedom, identity, and Eastern philosophy. In his preface, Johnson writes:

“…[M]y sense of black life in a predominantly white, very Eurocentric society — a slave state until 1863 — was that our unique destiny as a people, our duty to our predecessors who sacrificed so much and for so long, and our dreams of a life of dignity and happiness for our children were tied inextricably to a profound and lifelong meditation on what it means to be free. Truly free.”

“…As a teenager I wondered, and I wonder still, are we free now? And if so, free to do what? Was our ancestors’ ancient struggle for liberation realized in 1964 with the passage of the Civil Rights Act? Or in ’65 with the Voting Rights Act? Or are the pointed questions of W.E.B. Du Bois in his address ‘Criteria of Negro Art’ — ‘What do we want? What is the thing we are after?’ — even more urgent today, and less easy to answer, than when African-Americans were blatantly denied basic, human rights and treated as pariahs?’”

“…‘There has been progress,’ Johnson quotes Du Bois, ‘and we can see it day by day looking back along blood-filled paths … But when gradually the vista widens and you begin to see the world at your feet and the far horizon, then it is time to know more precisely whither you are going and what you really want.’”

—Michaele Shapiro


MAILBAG: Why progressives will rule for the next 8-12 years

Republicans may have a short memory, but Progressive don’t. Once your party doesn’t tell the truth, it’s easy to defeat them. Some may not think it’s important, but the facts are the facts. NO WMDs means NO re-appointment to President. End of story. Remember Nixon? He brought himself down. Progressives owe Bush a huge debt of gratitude for setting the bar so low. Unless we are nuked off the earth, we can’t possibly do any worse.



Portrait of a child soldier

2004 Best of Image (tie)

An interview with artist Josh Arseneau, who painted portraits of Liberian youth for his Pacific Northwest College of Art senior thesis, one of which was exhibited at InTheFray’s recent benefit in Manhattan.

Click here to enter the visual essay.

According to Human Rights Watch, the largest human-rights organization based in the United States, there are as many as 300,000 children participating in armed conflicts in more than 30 countries worldwide. While many are forcibly recruited, others are pushed into conflict by economic or social reasons. Deadly weapons, such as AK-47s, are placed in the hands of children only eight years old. Last summer, news of Liberia’s civil war made American papers, bringing with it photographs of children who had become involved in the conflict. Inspired by those images, artist Josh Arseneau immersed himself in the subject of child soldiers, which became the focus of his senior thesis. The result is an engaging portfolio of artwork that portrays the plight of these children in West Africa through various media. In the process of exploring cultural connections with his subjects, Josh revisited his own childhood to compare and contrast it with the lives of the child soldiers. In doing so, he discovered points of commonality through human emotions and symbols of childhood, which he shares with viewers through his work. Josh recently graduated from Pacific Northwest College of Art, where he received the C.S. Price award for best painter.

The interviewer: Kenji Mizumori, InTheFray Campus Liaison
The interviewee: Josh Arseneau, artist


Curse of the campaign strategists

Attending the Democratic National Convention shows that it’s all about pushing a product — one that hasn’t gotten any better in the last four years.

When it comes to the Democratic Party, I try not to get my hopes up. Like the Red Sox, they have a knack for disappointment. But I had high hopes for the Democratic National Convention.

When I decided to stay in Boston for graduate school two years ago, I liked the idea of being in my beloved hometown to cover the nomination of the man who might beat Bush. As a journalist, I had grand delusions about stumbling onto a big scoop. As a concerned voter, I hoped John Kerry would convince me that he is more than just the lesser of two evils. If nothing else, I wanted to be on the floor of the convention for the quarter-million dollar balloon drop. But leave it to the Democratic Party — they couldn’t even get that right.

On the first day of the convention, it became clear that there was nothing really to report. Not only did I not uncover a big scoop, but none of the other 15,000 attending media members did, either. The thing that used to make conventions newsworthy — the nomination — had been a settled issue for months. Even the fact that there was nothing to write about was written about so much, it ceased to be a story by Tuesday afternoon. So the mainstream press reported on the bloggers, and the bloggers reported on how it felt to be reported on by the mainstream press.

But the disappointment I felt as a journalist was nothing compared to what I felt as a likely but unconvinced Kerry voter. In hindsight, it was grossly naïve, but I hoped to be inspired. I wanted Kerry and the Democrats to give me reason to be enthusiastic not just about this campaign, but about our country’s future.

One of the Democrats’ biggest problems is that their biggest stars are either already out of office or otherwise incapable of becoming president. The DNC organizers did at least one thing right: They put as much space possible between Clinton and Kerry’s speeches. Clinton was charismatic, self-deprecating, and full of candor. Kerry was his usual plodding, pompous self.

Other than Clinton, crowd favorites included Reverend Al and Howard “I have a scream” Dean, both of whose core followers have only begrudgingly supported Kerry. The star of the week wasn’t the nominee, or even Andre 3000, but Illinois Senate Candidate Barack Obama, about whom the only regret was that he isn’t ready to run this year. This year, John Kerry is the best the Democrats have to offer.

The final night of the convention was Kerry’s opportunity to inspire a country in need of something to be enthusiastic about. Instead, we got an infomercial. The product? The result of too many campaign strategists and focus groups: an ass-kicking, life-saving, hamster-kissing war hero.

After Vanessa Kerry’s improbable story about her dad giving CPR to a water-logged rodent, she was supposed to introduce him (her father, not the rodent). But what followed was a twenty-minute made-for-TV biopic produced by Steven Spielberg and narrated by Morgan Freeman. His war-hero past was retold with all the grace and subtlety of a sledgehammer.

The film was tough to watch at times, but nothing matched the pure discomfort and embarrassment that shot through the crowd when Kerry himself came out to speak. He stepped to the podium, saluted the audience, and said, “I’m John Kerry, and I’m reporting for duty.” Uggh. The whole evening was so slickly produced and carefully scripted, it felt more like the academy awards than a political convention.

By the final night, I had long since abandoned the naïve hope that Kerry might prove to be more than just another politician, that he would treat the American public more like people than consumers. That week, the DNC wasn’t introducing its candidate; it was launching a new product.

What neither Kerry nor the Democrats understand is that most Americans don’t care if you’ve got three purple hearts or you’re a simple-minded rich kid. They just want someone who isn’t completely full of shit. In 2000, Florida votes aside, Al Gore lost because voters perceived him as more full of shit than Bush. If Kerry loses in November, he will have lost for the same reason.

At the end of his speech, Kerry said, “Never has there been a more urgent moment for Americans to step up and define ourselves.” For Kerry, time is running out.


The Boiling Point

2004 Best of The Boiling Point

Operation Heterosexual Freedom.

personal stories. global issues.