Progress and pizza reports that Pizza Hut's Book It program is being "denounced" by critics for encouraging unhealthy eating habits. I was once a well-read and well-fed child on that program. Although I don't remember the specifics, basically you read a book, get a gold star, and with enough gold stars, you earn pizza. It's win-win.
Pizza Hut and their plump, calorie-laden slices are not the problem. Food like that never hurt anyone, big or small  if it's occasional and a reward for feeding the mind with a book. Give kids normal, healthy food otherwise and send them outside to play like we did back in my day (now I feel old. But when was the last time you saw kids on skateboards or building forts?), and there's no problem. Denying a child books and pizza  that's just wrong.

Yahoo News writes about homeschoolers having easier access to higher education, specifially private colleges and universities. Apparently, public schools are still difficult to get into if you were homeschooled (tell me about it), but there are just too many such students. Accommodations have to be made in the admissions office. I wish this had been the case back in the dark ages of homeschooling that was the 90s when I started. But I'm thrilled that the best opportunities are being offered now.

I've just learned that I. Lewis Libby has been found guilty of "obstruction, perjury, and lying to the FBI." I'm going to go jump up and down now.