Game Clock

On the altar of the skies
A star ignites
And with our yearning flares.

And time–like a game keeper at his meadow–
Is counting in the sky,
A heart beats up,
The star drips down.

Fate is just an echo.
While others shout
I–silent like foam.

Life is just an hour.
But no one knows
Where it ends
And when it begins.

(for Paví Očko)

translated from the Czech by Motýlí Voko


Na nebes oltáři
hvězda zazáří
a touhou naší plane.

A čas, jak hajný na čekané,
na nebi počítá,
srdce dotluče,
hvězda skane.

Osud je jen ozvěna,
jiný křičí,
já jak pěna.

Život je jen hodina,
nikdo ale neví,
kdy končí
a kdy začíná.

~listopad 2004~

About the poem: Although Admiral Babočka would have never authorized these lyrics for publication, the weight of the occasion, I trust, justifies my snatching them from the academician’s scratch book.

Jan Vihan is a contributing writer for In The Fray.