President Obama’s dipping poll numbers


  • Gulf oil tragedy: President Obama did not handle the oil spill and BP properly. He did give a great speech on the incident, but then the action did not match his words. Okay, I am not saying that he should have been in the Gulf water in a wet suit, but he could have done something closer to that.
  • The economy: How long is he going to blame Bush for the economy? He has to start making progress because blaming Bush and the Republicans isn’t going to work anymore.
  • The mosque controversy: Did he have to inject himself into this vile debate? The right wingers are abusing Ground Zero mosque concerns to spread hate against Muslims, and the President’s speech on the issue just gave them more fuel. He should have kept his mouth shut on this issue.

And now President Obama is going on a 10-day vacation to Martha’s Vineyard. Not the right time to relax. Get back to work, Mr. President!