The kid that stays blazed; part 2


(if you haven't please check out "part 1" as it will make more sense!) 


He was hesitant to take the steps toward making a band and leading it, especially after being soaked in the familiarity and comfort of playing for already well-established bands. The concept of being a frontman and starting from what seemed like scratch, at the time sounded like two steps in the wrong direction, a regression rather than a progression. But the more that he wrote in 2006 and then some more in 2007 (these songs would eventually become “From Sumi to Japan,” their debut record to be released this summer on Triple Crown Records), the more he realized how exciting it was to have more creative control than he had ever had before.

“I always knew this kid was going somewhere,” said Pete. He handed over two Stellas to a couple who had just arrived. “Yeah, yeah, so he likes to smoke a little more than the next guy, but even when we was kids, he was a driven guy.” He nodded and smiled at Bonz who had just lazily emerged from the bathroom. “I think he’s just been waitin’ for the right time to bust a move, and you know why I believed in this kid?” I didn’t. “Cause he always stays blazed!” he responded loudly so Bonz would hear. They both burst out laughing.

Bonz was now standing in the corner of the bar, where the soundboard was. He twisted and turned knobs, listening into DJ-esque headphones as the first acoustic act of the night went through a mini-soundcheck. The dim lights of Bar 4 hid away part of his baby-faced cheeks while he yelled back and forth to the stage. “Yo, is that good?” A third pint awaited him. “Just lemme know what’s up, cause I can crank this baby as loud as you want!”

Approaching 8PM, Bar 4 had patrons sitting left and right on stools and wine-colored couches. The chatter level was slowly building up in anticipation of the live music.

His hours at Bar 4 and his side-job as a fourth grade arts teacher’s assistant at Wingspan Arts would soon be cut short. With “From Sumi to Japan” to be released in only a couple of weeks, Brian Bonz and the Dot Hongs would be embarking on a two-and-a-half month U.S. tour with Kevin Devine to support the album starting the last week of April. All the time spent preparing for his frontman role would soon be put to the test. The reception to the CD and to his band’s stage performance would be the telltale signs of success or defeat…

 Stay tuned for parts 3 and 4…

Also, Brian Bonz released his record, check out his music here