New in California


But the most interesting thing I found in California is the way the local media is dealing with Prop 8/gay marriage right issue. Yesterday, just hours before the California Supreme Court was to hand down the decision on whether Prop 8 (gay marriage ban) stands, the local news media went crazy. The day I arrived here (two weeks back) the issue was already dominating local news media.

I take no position on the gay marriage issue; it is not for me to comment. What got me fired up is the way local media handled the issue. Their bias is so clear and they make no efforts to hide it. I know it is futile to ask for fairness in the media, especially after the way they handled Hillary Clinton during the primaries and the whole terrorism madness before Iraq was attacked, but I still find it interesting that Fox News is happily attacked for being pro-GOP while the liberal bias of some news outlets is accepted.