Justice Souter to retire


According to Jeffrey Toobin's book on supreme court justices, Justice Souter is a low-tech person who loves the outdoors. He does not have a television or a cell phone. A bachelor, he was appointed to the court by President George H.W. Bush in 1990. Although President Bush appointed him assured of his conservative leaning, Justice Souter soon stunned everyone by supporting Roe v. Wade, voting to uphold the landmark ruling on abortion rights.

Now he is firmly on the more liberal side of the court. So when President Obama appoints his successor, there will not much change. But since Justice Ginsberg's health is a big concern because of her recent illness, the Obama administration could get lucky and get a chance to turn the court into a more liberal one.

CBS News is saying that the new appointee to the court could possibly be a woman from a minority group. Judge Sonia Sotomayor, a Latina woman, and solicitor general Elena Kagan are mentioned as possible choices.

US News & World Report writes about the calculations going on about the confirmation hearing, citing reports from today's New York Times, Politico, and The Washington Post.