Joel Derfner takes gay literature to a higher level

Joel Derfner, author of Gay Haiku, has again managed to elevate the genre of gay literature to an ecstatic level of wit and sophistication. Joel's new book, Swish: My Quest to Become the Gayest Person Ever and What Ended Up Happening Instead, is a personal memoir that goes emotionally and humorously beyond any "coming out" story you may have ever read or heard about.

Joel provocatively reflects on what it means to be gay by exploring several stereotypical activities such as knitting, online dating, and even go-go dancing. According to Joel, he was a "walking stereotype for honest reasons." It wasn't that he set out to do these things to be more gay (if there is such a thing), but because they were natural interests to him at certain points in his life.

Two weeks ago, I had the privilege of hanging out with Joel in the West Village in New York. Although I had just read his book, I was still dying to know why he did the crazy things that he did. Swish is similar to Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat, Pray, Love in that it is a soul-searching journey, only Joel seemed to know who he was all along, even before moving to the Big Apple. From orgies to evangelical meetings, one thing has remained constant in his quest to be the gayest person ever.

"So what happened instead?" I asked carefully.

"I became the most myself ever." Joel clearly replied.

Joel is graciously open and down to earth. What you read is what you see, and what you see is what you get. He is cute as a button, with wild curly red hair as warm as his Southern hospitality. Most of all, he is fiercely intelligent and incredibly funny, which translates easily into his writing for both literature and musical theatre.

Swish has both a controversial edge and a revealing vulnerability all at once. With keen insight into the gay lifestyle, it is a story that everyone can relate to if they are willing to honestly understand themselves and the points of view of others. Anyone who wants to learn more about gender, identity, and the human condition while laughing out loud should definitely read this book. By the way, Swish also includes a fabulous forward written by beloved, legendary icon Elton John.   

Please look out for Swish: My Quest to Become the Gayest Person Ever and What Ended Up Happening Instead in hot paperback pink and white from Broadway Books coming into stores this June! 

For more information on Joel Derfer or his books, please visit