Threats to womanhood

Ladies, come here for a minute. Let’s have some girl talk.

Remember last week, when I posted how proud I was of you for seeing past the Palin, past the Republican condescension? In light of the new polls showing white women flocking to McCain, I just have to ask, as the kiddies say these days: WTF? Thank God for the Women Against Palin.

There is no limit to my love of Le Fey (Tina, that is). If we’re going to vote in this election based on looks, popularity, and lack of political experience anyway, then I choose Tina Fey for president. Who’s with me?

The Women opened this weekend. I saw the original version months ago, and while I thought it dragged on a bit, I loved it. It didn’t have men, but it had heart. And real wit. I’m hearing differently about the new release.

Naturally, as I have not seen the new one, I can’t comment on it. But…it has Annette Benning (underrated genius), haughtily, confidently, bitchily refusing an offer for "a face lift in a jar" by responding, "This is my face deal with it," which I would like to hear more women proudly declare, about various parts of themselves and their lives. As in, this is my chosen career deal with it. This is my ass deal with it.

Alas, The Women were trounced by the Coen Brothers. Oh, I can just hear it now: "See, women can’t sell a movie." "What do you expect from a chick flick?" (although I’d like someone to explain to me how pieces of garbage like 27 Dresses can be considered a hit). I would hate to see all future female-centered films (there have just got to be good ones out there. I mean, where is Allison Anders?) shelved or discounted on the basis of one bad box-office receipt.

Although I still have three volumes to go, I’m addicted to Y: The Last Man on Earth. Cinematical surprised me with the following news: "DJ Caruso Wants to Shoot Y." Oh happy day. Until my eyes reach the line: "As for casting, they still want Shia LaBeouf to play the title role of Yorick (the only surviving male mammal on the planet Earth)." Oh…just…oh like he would survive the plague! If he would be the only one left, women would start to look pretty good to me.