Child healthcare, eavesdropping, and protecting journalists

"President Bush vowed Wednesday to veto bipartisan legislation that would sharply increase funding for a popular health insurance program for poor children."

Well, isn’t that sweet?

The reason: "S-Chip covers children whose families earn too much to qualify for Medicaid but not enough to pay for private insurance. The bills would make an estimated 3.2 million additional children eligible for S-Chip. Bush says this expansion is a first step toward government-funded universal health coverage."

Well, we certainly don’t want that, now do we? We certainly don’t want America to have a better health care system than Peru? We don’t want to save lives and improve the health of our citizens like every other modern nation on Earth does. The health of children  pfft, who cares? Once it’s out of the womb (when we dote on it and talk about the culture of life, when we vow to do anything to protect it), it’s on its own.

I know it’s only by a single seat, but the Democrats do control the Senate. So how did a bill expanding the government’s power to listen to our phone calls without warrants get passed? Can anyone explain this to me?

Finally: "Legislation to shield reporters from being forced by prosecutors to reveal their sources was approved Wednesday by the House Judiciary Committee." I’m happy, but I don’t even want to hear from Judy Miller about this, or ever again, really.

There’s never a dull week in America.