Life gone wild

Yahoo headline: "U.S. divorce rate lowest since 1970." So could you please spare me all the talk about how the American family is in trouble, how gay marriage undermines the blessed union, etc.? Can we concentrate on some real problems? Aren't there people dying somewhere in the world?

Now, once you've tied the knot and had a child, take some advice from a Watery Tart: "A University of Washington study reports that 40% of 3-month-olds now watch television…They just don't need television, and we have only begun to understand how harmful it is for them: obesity, ADD and ADHD, decreased interest in math, science and reading have all been connected to over-consumption of passive forms of entertainment. And the people who produce and market these "baby-friendly" and "educational" programs will have you believe that you're doing your baby a benefit by beginning them on a steady diet of video entertainment as early as possible. Don't believe them. Listen to the doctors, the scientists, the ones who stand to gain nothing monetarily."

If you are lucky enough to have a daughter (aren't we precious?), she will grow up eventually, no matter how much you pray to God otherwise, so what's a parent to do? Nowadays, what with virginity pledge this and parental consent that, parents and government officials favor the idea of complete female control your body and life belong to them, not you, silly girl. But I'm a firm believer in this: if you raise your daughter with self-esteem and common sense, you won't need to enact laws that restrict her freedoms and decision making. You may want her to stay daddy's little girl forever, but she won't. Relying on church and state officials to keep her in line once you're gone won't work either.

What is so baffling about raising a female to be an autonomous individual, to believe she is capable of properly living her own life? Why do we feel the need to make a suggestion like this: "It is time to raise the age of consent from 18-21 –'consent,' in this case, referring not to sexual relations but to providing erotic content on film." This from Wall Street Journal Opinion Columnist Garance Franke-Ruta, who, while musing on Joe Francis and Girls Gone Wild, writes, "Is there anything to be done?" According to Ruta, the only thing to be done is control the girl. After all, how can a girl make a sound decision for herself, right? When we discuss laws restricting pornography in general and so-called filmmakers like Joe Francis, the First Amendment is always invoked, silencing all. We wouldn't want to be able to charge Francis and his ilk with something other than contempt of court or tax evasion. And why teach your sons to respect the other half of humanity when you can simply wag your finger at the female?

In general, I am not anti-porn. I also don't believe that raising the age of consent will have any effect on the GGW phenom. Think of how the age limit for drinking was raised and what good that did. Also, if you are legally of age to sacrifice your life for your country or vote for the leader of the free world, you're old enough to flash a camera man, whether you regret it or not.