Witnessing war crimes

Just because the Israeli military warned the civilians of Qana to leave does not give it carte blanche to blindly attack.

Kenneth Roth, Executive Director of Human Rights Watch, speaking about the recent Israeli attack against the Lebanese in Qana, in which more than 54 Lebanese civilians were slaughtered, including at least 34 children.  Human Rights Watch warned that “consistent failure to distinguish combatants and civilians is a war crime.”  Although Israel suggested that there would be a temporary cessation of air raids after the bloody debacle at Qana, Israeli strikes continue to hail down upon Lebanon.
The Lebanese health minister puts the nation’s death toll at around 750 people, most of whom were civilians. 55 Israelis, including 19 civilians, have died in the mounting war.  Israel attacked Lebanon after Hezbollah — backed by Iran and Syria and based in Lebanon — captured two Israeli soldiers on July 12th.  

Mimi Hanaoka