Depends on the meaning of is

You have to admire Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez.  His ability to make false statements without technically lying must make Bill Clinton green with envy.  Glenn Greenwald has the rundown on the NSA testimony.

Today, Gonzalez  says that that “We are aware of no other nation in history that has afforded such protection for enemy combatants.”  Now you might scratch your head at this one.  Haven’t other countries followed the Geneva Conventions?  Could it really be true that America is setting a newly humane standard for treatment of prisoners?

Well, no.  It depends on what the meaning of enemy combatant is.  The administration defined it in court filings as:

An individual who was part of or supporting the Taliban or al Qaeda forces, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners. This includes any person who committed a belligerent act or has directly supported hostilities in aid of enemy armed forces.

We could have some fun with this.

For instance, I am aware of no other group of enemy combatants of such deeply virtuous character, with so glamorous a sense of style, so attractive in mind and body, and so dedicated to working for good in the world.

If only the U.S. is using this term and it applies only to this conflict, it’s all perfectly true.

Pete DeWan