Racist roundup answers!

Answers to the “Racist (and mysogynist!) roundup” quiz:

1. B. The manager said, “Bin Laden is in charge of the kitchen.”

2. A. Miss Jones said to Miss Info, “You feel superior, probably because you’re Asian,” to which Mr. Lynn responded: “I’m gonna start shooting Asians.” The boardgame was “Chinkopoly,” and the song was “We Are the World.”

3. I am sad to say, as someone raised in New Jersey (South Jersey!), the answer is D.

4. A. Star (Troi Torain) called her a “bitch” and a “filthy rat-eater.”

5. D., though the wire service that carries Coulter’s columns, Universal Press Syndicate, eventually edited the column to read: “That dyspeptic, old Helen Thomas.”

Gosh, those racists/mysogynists say the darndest things! Do let me know if you hear about any more hilarious mysogynist/racist/etc. bits of news, in the States or elsewhere — you just can’t get enough of these people! (Did I say “these people”?)

Victor Tan Chen

Victor Tan Chen is In The Fray's editor in chief and the author of Cut Loose: Jobless and Hopeless in an Unfair Economy. Site: victortanchen.com | Facebook | Twitter: @victortanchen