Random GOP’ers

Here’s a run-down of my run-ins with the GOP rapid-response team in Boston so far:

1.  Abercrombie guys and gals dressed up as giant flip-flop sandals with signs declaring Kerry to be without conviction. Are all Young Republicans this good looking?

2.  Man pushing baby in stroller outfitted with “Re-elect Bush/Quayle” sign. Not a typo.

3.  “God Hates America” protestors in the Democracy Pen under the T tracks. Why does God hate America, you might ask? Because we looooves the gays and the sodomy.

Hold the complaints — I’m aware that the real GOP operatives aren’t vicious haters, G.H.W. Bush fans, or attractive. But nonetheless, an interesting sampling of identifiable Republicans here in the lefty bastion of Massachusetts.

Scott Winship