Presidential inspiration

Think President Bush couldn’t provide inspiration if his life depended on it? Think again.

President Bush has people singing, it seems. In a scathing new single aimed at GW, Stephan Smith sings, “You Ain’t A Cowboy.” Email members of, the activist organization founded by Ben Cohen of Ben & Jerry’s, can download the mp3 of Smith’s song – that is, if they have 99 cents to spare. Sure, 99 cents seems miniscule to most, but the economy under the Bush administration has been less than kind to many (Bush & co. excluded). Apparently, the economy is so bad right now that a record number of Austinites have had to foreclose on their homes in the last month (428, to be exact). If Smith inspires enough people, though, there’s a chance that Bush will be “foreclosing” on the White House in the fall.

Laura Nathan