Big plans for the New Year

In 2004, we have bold new plans to go print, expand our readership, and make ITF an even better magazine. To bring these ideas to fruition, we need your help.

We will be conducting a major fundraising campaign during the next few months, but before doing so, we need your input on what you like about InTheFray and how we can improve the magazine. Please help us — and yourselves, our loyal readers — by taking a moment to fill out this completely anonymous survey.

We know that surveys aren’t always fun. But because we need your valuable input, we’ve made this one as painless as possible. Simply use the pull-down menus, fill in the blanks, and click ‘Submit’ when you’re finished. The entire process should not take you more than one minute.

Thank you for your time and for helping us make InTheFray even better in 2004. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at

Happy New Year!

Bryant Castro de Serrato
Marketing Director, InTheFray Magazine
New York