Missing KW


I hadn’t seen her in months.  Her personality was indelible.  She was ageless.

We had worked together at a production company in LA.  I knew the sound of her voice before I knew her.  KW is her name.  I would listen to her voice as she, of screen, interviewed talent.  She was very good at getting what she needed from them – exceptionally skilled.  I was often annoyed with her technique.  Whatever I may have thought about it, she was effective.

While I wasn’t very close to her, I find myself thinking of her often.  I won’t be dramatic enough to say that I feel her with me, but I do conjure her.   She had a big spirit and incredible energy.  Now that I think of it, I understand the concept that nothing ever dies – energy just evolves and transmutes.  KW is still here…well the spirit that her body housed is.  She lives in me, in my mind, in my actions as she does in many, many others.  It’s not corny (I know it sounds it); it’s real.

During my last shoot, she was with me.  As I engaged the talent.  My skill wasn’t all her, but it was definitely influenced by her.  I am better because I knew her.

May her soul rest and her spirit fly.