For rape victim, vocalizing attack helps heal wounds
By Sharon Franck. January 22, 2001

"I do not know why he started, why he did what he did. I know I did nothing wrong, and not once after it was over did I blame myself for what he did to me. I never questioned the reality of what happened: the betrayal of trust, the loss of innocence, a fear of all that was familiar...that was so long ago."


War in a time of ignorance
Two lessons learned. By Bob Keeler.
Part one | December 17, 2001
Part two | January 7, 2001


Red, white, and black
NOTES FROM THE MARGIN. At a time of fervent patriotism, African Americans have good reasons for not waving the flag. By Mekeisha Madden. November 19, 2001


Victim and victimizer
We grieve for Wall Street, but when will Wall Street grieve for us? By Robert William Russ. November 5, 2001