By any other name
By Nadia Ellis Russell and Nicole Leistikow. August 20, 2001

"Yet, for many, it’s not a matter of when to use the label 'feminist'; the label doesn’t fit. The historical exclusion of working class women and women of color from the white middle-class movement is why feminists like bell hooks refer to women’s movements rather than the singular Movement and why Alice Walker has coined the term 'Womanist' to denote 'a black feminist or feminist of color.'"


From race riots to "Chocolate Cities"
PULSE. Plus: Take our quiz! How do you measure up on views toward homosexuality? By Kelly Yamanouchi. July 16, 2001


Today I met the boy I'm not going to marry
For better or worse, the number of unmarried couples is on the rise. By Debbie Kuan. July 2, 2001


Finding solace in cyberspace
Stricken with the loneliest of illnesses, people with rare forms of cancers have built their own online communities. By Charles Savage. JUNE 4, 2001