Watchdog under the watchtower
By Kelly Yamanouchi. APRIL 9, 2001

"One of ten newspapers in the U.S. internment camps, the Heart Mountain Sentinel was a newspaper with a mission--not just to preserve democracy, but to rebuild it in troubled times. The men and women who staffed the Sentinel knew first-hand what internment was like. Under Bill Hosokawa's leadership, they performed their job as professionally as circumstances would allow, balancing their obligation to report objectively and their desire to fight for their incarcerated community. They strived to make the Sentinel an instrument for the free flow of ideas, even as the civil liberties they depended upon were in a state of disrepair, and even as their own government violated their constitutional rights."


Caricaturing Lieberman
How the media missed the story on religion in the 2000 election. By Ben Helphand.APRIL 9, 2001


The culture war, won?
ISSUE INFOCUS > GAY RIGHTS. Lesbian and gay activists joined the mainstream during the Clinton years. By Paul Johnson. APRIL 9, 2001


Sex change on a subsidy
PULSE. Plus, the N-word in The New York Times, and why political women are all the rage in France. By Kelly Yamanouchi. APRIL 9, 2001