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INTHEFRAY.COM relies entirely on a volunteer staff, and the writers and artists featured in our pages allow their work to be shown because they believe in our mission. Without the support of such generous people, we would not be in existence.

You can help, too. First, and most importantly, please read our magazine. Tell us what you like and don't like, through Letters to the Editor. Participate in our Forum. Get involved in the issues we talk about. After all, our goal of building bridges can succeed only with the active involvement of readers like you.

If you like what you see, please consider supporting us financially. Every small amount helps. Every donation is recognized on our Supporters page. And donations to the magazine are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by U.S. federal law.

There are four ways to donate:

(1) by using the online donation form below and mailing us a check;

(2) by making a credit-card donation through our PayPal page;

(3) by making a credit-card donation through our Amazon Honor System PayPage;

(4) by purchasing or Barnes & books, albums, videos, or other products through our site.

Donating by online donation form and mailed check. Please fill out the online donation form at the bottom of this page and mail us a check payable to "In the Fray, Inc." Our mailing address is:

  In the Fray, Inc. (INTHEFRAY.COM)
  P.O. Box 382411
  Cambridge, MA 02238-2411

The online donation form is for tracking purposes, so that we know about your intended contribution and expect it in the mail. Please e-mail us if you have any questions.

Donating through PayPal. Please click on the button below to connect to our PayPal online donations page. There you may make a secure credit-card donation of $1 or more to our account. PayPal takes a 2.9 percent cut of the total donation amount, as well as a 30-cent per-donation fee. PayPal guarantees that your credit card is secure and your privacy is protected.

NOTE: If you donate through PayPal, please e-mail us at so that we know about your donation right away and can add you to our Supporters page. Alternatively, you can fill out the form at the bottom of this page.

Donating through the Amazon Honor System PayPage. Please click on the paybox below to connect to our PayPage on There you may make a secure credit-card donation of $1 or more to our account. Amazon takes a 15 percent cut of the total donation amount, as well as a 15-cent per-donation fee. Amazon guarantees that your credit card is secure and your privacy is protected.

Amazon Honor System Click Here to Pay Learn More

NOTE: Since all PayPage donations are confidential, you will need to e-mail us at if you want us to know about your donation and add you to our Supporters page. Alternatively, you can fill out the form at the bottom of this page.

Donating through or Barnes & purchases. At the end of many of our articles you will see a section called Editors' Picks, which lists books, albums, videos, etc. that we recommend. (The same items--or even additional items--are also listed in the Story Index at the end of each article.)

Clicking on the or Barnes & links there, or the corresponding links in the Index, will take you to the respective sites and allow you to purchase those products. A portion of the sale--5 percent for Barnes &, and 5 percent for (15 percent for books that are listed at 10 to 30 percent off the publisher's price)--will be credited to Inthefray's account.

To ensure that our site is credited, you must purchase the product off of the first page that you see when you connect to the or Barnes & sites.

NOTE: For our records, we would appreciate if you would e-mail us at when you purchase a product through our links, so that we can make sure our account is credited and also add you to our Supporters page.

Questions? If you have any questions, or if you wish to donate in another way, please contact our Development Director, Gloria Suen, at, or e-mail us at

Thank you for supporting independent journalism on the Web. With your help, we can continue to provoke thought and discussion on the issues that too often divide us.

The Editors

* In the Fray, Inc., the organization that publishes, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations are fully tax-deductible to the extent permitted by U.S. federal law.


Pledge levels

Member $10

Associate $20

Good Sport $50

Friend $100

Buddy $200

Relative $500

Family $1,000

Click here to view the Supporters page.

Online donation form
At this time, this form is for tracking purposes only. You will need to send us your donation separately using one of the three methods listed above.

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