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Dear I--,

On a good day, I nod to the Cantonese grocer arranging

baby bananas and plantains, and get to work early, even if

I stop to browse Midtown's Best Kung Fu Video, run by a trio

of blue-black men from Georgia. On a bad day, the sluice of water

from hubcap hose-off muddies my pant-legs and my computer

scolds me for performing "an illegal operation." What I love

about my neighborhood is living at the border of two: the Chelsea-

Clinton Community Health Center is around the corner. Smoke

shops where they only watch Telemundo are next to Thai

noodle joints. Last weekend, a carful of us got lost in Queens.

We paid too much attention to the view of the Chrysler Building

from the 59th Street Bridge. I was born in Queens, but when

I can't translate storefront signs (Korean? Chinese? Spanish?),

who's the immigrant?





New York

San Francisco

Story Index