Nothing better to do

Vanity Fair‘s new issue features a big, glossy spread about famous funny women. A year ago this same magazine ran Christopher Hitchens’ piece about why chicks aren’t funny, in response to which women with nothing better to do stood up and proclaimed that they, too, laugh at fart jokes (I don’t) or proved Hitchens’ point by acting, you know, humorless, and even suggesting censorship.

Now the funny females are getting their due in what is essentially another celebrity rag. Except, I never cared in the first place. So a bloated Brit had an opinion why should I care? The last line of the article, provided by Tina Fey: "[She] says that there are people who continue to insist that women are not funny. ‘You still hear it,’ she says. ‘It’s just a lot easier to ignore.’"

This from a woman who did not whine about Hitchen’s piece nor make an ass out of herself at a public event. She went about her life and her work, raised her child, created a new TV show, wrote another movie script, and won a bunch of awards. This is a woman who has better things to do. Imagine what female bloggers could do for the world if they could just ignore the Hitchens types.