Brian Lehrer interview canceled

Unfortunately, the interview scheduled for today on the Brian Lehrer Show was canceled (we got bumped by the governor). I'll let you know if they're able to reschedule it. In the meantime, here's a link to a YouTube clip of my coauthor and I speaking at the New America Foundation last month (embedded video after jump), and here's a link to a Bill Moyers Journal blog post about my coauthor's interview with Moyers earlier this month.

Unfortunately, the interview scheduled for today on the Brian Lehrer Show was canceled (we got bumped by the governor). I’ll let you know if they’re able to reschedule it. In the meantime, here’s a link to a YouTube clip of my coauthor and I speaking at the New America Foundation last month (embedded video after jump), and here’s a link to a Bill Moyers Journal blog post about my coauthor’s interview with Moyers earlier this month.




Victor Tan Chen is In The Fray's editor in chief and the author of Cut Loose: Jobless and Hopeless in an Unfair Economy. Site: | Facebook | Twitter: @victortanchen